Split Payments: What Merchants Should Know

Split Payments: What Merchants Should Know

Why Most Retailers Don’t Offer Split Payments When it comes time for consumers to check out, either online or in-store, many merchants don’t offer split payments. The reasons are numerous, from verification issues, restrictions on the merchants, technical obstacles,...
Turn Big Data into a Marketing Strategy

Turn Big Data into a Marketing Strategy

Collect Data to Map Out the Right Marketing Strategy for Your Business Gathering and analyzing data can give businesses the opportunity to capitalize on increased marketing ventures. While the initial cost to collect the data may be substantial, it can pay off in the...

The Evolution of Merchant Services

Understanding Payment Processing Merchant services have evolved over the years, from specific merchants extending credit to certain customers to electronic payments, where the merchant and customer don’t need to be in the same geographical location. With the continued...
Most Common Chargeback Types and How to Respond

Most Common Chargeback Types and How to Respond

Submit Chargeback Responses with Evidence Whatever type of business you may be in, chances are, you’ve experienced chargebacks. Across the four major card networks, including Visa, MasterCard, Discover, and American Express, there are roughly 151 chargeback codes....